Time traveling Theory proved by (Albert Einstein)
Time Travel has been one of the most
Controversial topic for centuries. We
Have seen this concept of time travel
Depicted in hundreds of movies from back
to the future to interstellar but is it
Realistic or more of a fantasy?
Scientists have indeed found a way to
Controversial topic for centuries. We
Have seen this concept of time travel
Depicted in hundreds of movies from back
to the future to interstellar but is it
Realistic or more of a fantasy?
Scientists have indeed found a way to
Time travel.
The concept of time travel was first
Stated by Albert Einstein during the
20th century. He stated that no object is in absolute
Rest or is in absolute motion. Which means that every object on this planet moves?
Relative to one another. What if I tell
You that even if we sit down or
standstill, you're still in motion because you have
Your foot on earth and this planet is in
Constant motion and further the galaxy
is in constant motion. Thus no object ever is in absolute
motion or rest. Einstein explained this using the theory
Of relativity. He believed that time
Passes at different rates for people who
are moving relative to one another.
Although the effect only becomes large
when you get close to the speed of light.
This is where things get more
interesting: If somebody travels at the
speed of light in space and comes back
to earth, probably many years would have
Been passed here on earth. Whereas the time
spent by the traveler would have been
Only few years. This is called as time
Dilation. A very well-known example is an
Astronaut who has spent time on space
for over six months, would have aged
us on earth. Time slows down for objects
in motion while the effect is not
noticeable in everyday experience. Which
means to see a significant difference of
hours or maybe even years the traveler
should travel close to the speed of
light. This might sound like some science
fiction movie but let me explain.
The speed of flight is same for all
Observers. Whereas the time is not a
Fixed unit for everyone, it's relative. We
all know that speed is equal to distance
by time. The speed of two observers will
be the same, but if one has the distance
higher than the other then obviously his
time will be longer in coordinating with
the distance. Okay let me explain a
concept demonstrated by Professor Brian
Cox on his stage time at BBC. Imagine
person 'A' moving a torch up and down and
he is placed on a moving mission, that moves at a speed of 30km/hr. We also
Have another person 'B' watching it in a
Stationary state. The speed of light must
Be the same for both the observers A and
B, but A is covering a longer distance
and also B can examine the fact that
he's watching the light trail to cover a
long distance. If you accept to the fact that the speed
of light is the same for both the
Observers then how can we justify this scenario?
This can be only possible if
the time talk of 'A' is slower than 'B'.
Sounds pretty amazing right!
Okay now! This leads us to the concept of
"wormhole". Einstein along with physicists Nathan Rosen suggested the existence of
Wormholes around 1935 yet we haven't
Discovered one till date because the
Technology required to build a wormhole
is far beyond a time. The wormhole as
Believed by many scientists is a
Shortcut through space-time. Consider the
Wormhole to be like a tunnel according
to Einstein the wormhole could act like
a bridge by connecting one point on the
Universe to the other point with a
Shortcut. Imagine a possibility of
digging a tunnel at one point of the
earth to travel and slide out of the
other rather than traveling around the
earth. Which means you're obviously
taking a shortcut. This is what wormhole
is all about. According to Einstein space and time are curved.
Say if we tend to accelerate one
of the tunnel hole to
95% of light speed and then
reverse it back to its original state
while the other end tends to remain
stationary. Which means the moving clock
would take a slow phase when compared to the stationary one due to the concept of
time dilation. So what's stopping us from
building the wormhole. First accelerations
to Lightspeed is going to be a huge task
and secondly scientists believe that the
contradiction of the walls due to
gravity might be a problem. So we need
something to hold the wall stable
inside the wormhole.To hold them from
contradicting and smashing the traveller
who has taken that path and that is
possible only by providing complete
vacuum. Another important concept is that
with the help of wormhole we can travel
as far as we want in the future but it's
not gonna be possible to date back to
the past. Which means you can simply?
Travel back through the tunnel to the
time when the wormhole was created but
not far beyond that. Einstein's theory
tends to oppose the concept of
Travelling back in time but these are
just theories as of now. Maybe the near
Future can give us answers to all of
This. And This might be possible that scientist and researcher can make more progress on time traveling.
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